山东坤特汽车配件公司山东坤特汽车配件有限公司成立于2001年,占地5万平方米,是专业生产汽车、摩托车用盘式刹车片、鼓式刹车片的生产制造厂,拥有自动化的生产线四条。盘式刹车片年生产能力300万套,鼓式刹车片年生产能力400万套,,公司已通过ISO9001质量体系认证。 盘式和鼓式刹车片配方全部采用无石棉环保型材料加工而成进口原材料占30%。目前公司已开发产品盘式片600余种,鼓式片320余种能满足世界上大部分车型的需求。 配方分为三大体系:半金属,少金属和有机配方,并成功研制陶瓷配方;独立的科研部门,科研中心设备齐全,成熟配方已达30种。 摩擦材料具有特殊的双层结构,赋予产品优良的耐高温特性; 鼓式刹车片采用加拿大进口设备和配方,摩擦材料积压成型; 产品标符合国标GB5763-98;欧洲ECE-R90标准;AK-MASTER标准;北美FMVSS;日本JASO406标准; 制动过程无噪音,无落灰,制动舒适,使用寿命长; ShanDong Kunter Automoible Parts Co., Ltd is a famous manufacture in the area of brake pads, brake shoes . We have more than 800 moulds on brake pads, 300 more on brake shoes. For brake pads, with the brake friction formula of semi-metallic, low metallic and nao, we have received great feedback from worldwide. Long life, no noise, low dust are our advantages. And we have our own research department to have the capability to develop each mould correctly and accurately. Our products have been exported to South America, North America, middle-east and Europe. Different moulds could be developed according to your samples and techinicial drawings.
- 地址:山东省 东营市 东营区 中国山东东营东营市山东省东营市
- 邮编:257093